Tag: Mental health
Blickpunkt „Student Mental Health im digitalen Hochschulstudium“
Empfehlung für den Blickpunkt „Student Mental Health im digitalen Hochschulstudium: Handlungsempfehlungen für die Lehr- und Hochschulgestaltung“, herausgegeben vom Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.
9. Juli 2024 | Tags: News, Mental health
Veranstaltung mit LiLiGoesMental: Notendruck und Mental Health
Am Donnerstag den 23.06.2022 sprechen wir in der Uni Bielefeld mit LiliGoesMental und allen interessierten Studierenden und Lehrenden über Noten und mentale Gesundheit.
21. Juni 2022 | Tags: News, Mental health, Grades
Das eigene ‚Mittelmaß‘ anstreben
Viele Studierenden haben eine ungesund stressige Alles-oder-Nichts-Haltung gegenüber ihrer eigenen Arbeit. Sie entspannen sich etwas, wenn sie lernen Prioritäten zu setzen, und wenn sie sich erlauben, bei weniger wichtigen Leistungen „Mittelmäßigkeit“ zu akzeptieren, um Zeit und Energie zu sparen. / Original English version: On ‘embracing mediocrity’.
3. Februar 2022 | 2 Kommentare | Tags: Essays, Mental health, Powertools
Good Girl = Good Teacher?
Kindness and the tendency to accommodate others can help to foster relationships in education. However, when “Good Girls” grow up to be teachers, their uncompromising yearning for other people’s affections may have problematic consequences.
13. Oktober 2020 | Tags: Essays, Mental health, Teaching practices
First Aid in Mental Health: 3 things you can do to help your students and colleagues
How can we administer first aid in mental health emergencies if we feel that engaging with people (and often strangers) in distress is putting our own mental well-being at risk?
11. August 2020 | Tags: Essays, Mental health, Student-teacher relationship
Podcast: The Ph.D. as traumatic experience
In this episode of the Unconditional Teaching Podcast, Tyll and I talk to Jessica about her experience of writing and defending her Ph.D. thesis and the severe strain it put on her mental health.
25. März 2020 | 1 Kommentar | Tags: Podcasts, Mental health, Analysis, PhD, Trauma, Academic career path, Exams
The discourse of wasted potential – a critique
The discourse of wasted potential is omnipresent but it may be a harmful way of speaking about ourselves, relating to others, and thinking about our or others' accomplishments.
14. Januar 2020 | 3 Kommentare | Tags: Essays, Analysis, Mental health, Communication, Student-teacher relationship
Radical Acceptance and expectations in teaching
In this piece, I elaborate on how the concepts of Radical Acceptance, the “trust-default”, and the distinction between personal and professional expectations helped me to improve and feel better about my teaching and get a better understanding for what I think unconditionality in teaching should entail.
17. Dezember 2019 | Tags: Essays, Mindset, Mental health, Radical Acceptance
Speaking to students about self-care and mental health
Spending thirty minutes of one class session on honest talk about stress and suffering and coping and healing can have an enormous positive impact on our students’ lives.
28. Oktober 2019 | Tags: Essays, Mental health, Self-care, Vulnerability, Empathy, Powertools
On ‘embracing mediocrity’
Students often have an unhealthy all-or-nothing attitude toward their work which increases stress levels. They relax a bit when they learn to prioritize their work and allow themselves to ‘embrace mediocrity’ on low-stakes tasks to save time and energy. / Deutsche Version: ‘Mittelmaß’ anstreben.
14. Oktober 2019 | 1 Kommentar | Tags: Essays, Mental health, Powertools