Unconditional Teaching start

Appreciative responses to student writing

Tyll Zybura, 3. November 2017

When I respond to student writing, I want to take it seriously as scholarly work with a communicative intent. This 6-step-method of writing responses makes my feedback as effective as possible both in terms of its usefulness for students and in terms of the time it takes me to do.

1 Introduction

Part 1 of the series on appreciative responses to student writing. Why I don’t call my responses ‘feedback’ and how they connect to revision-oriented supervision of student writing.

3. November 2017 | Tags: Appreciative responses to student writing

2 Structure and rhetoric

Part 2 of the series on appreciative responses to student writing. Explains the specific structural elements of my responses and their function, together with an elaboration of the appreciative rhetoric that makes it effective.

3. November 2017 | Tags: Appreciative responses to student writing

3 Immediate and longterm effects

Part 3 of the series on appreciative responses to student writing. The main reason why I use this method is that it effectively improves student writing in the short term and can create incredibly rewarding scholarly relationships in the long term.

3. November 2017 | Tags: Appreciative responses to student writing

4 Examples

Part 4 of the series on appreciative responses to student writing. Nothing shows the concept better than actual responses to student writing. Here I have selected a small number of examples with added highlighting of the structural components.

3. November 2017 | Tags: Appreciative responses to student writing

5 Notes on time management

Part 5 of the series on Part 1 of the series on appreciative responses to student writing. Appreciative responses are not more time consuming than other forms of feedback, if the lecturer sets certain priorities.

3. November 2017 | Tags: Appreciative responses to student writing


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