Tag: Vulnerability
Podcast: „Sie sind zu nett“
In dieser Folge des Unconditional Teaching Podcast sprechen wir mit Tabea Weber darüber, wie sie in ihrer Lehrpraxis mit Zugänglichkeit, Transparenz und dem Fördern von Austausch mit den Stereotypen bricht, die Lehrende und Studierenden oft voneinander haben.
2. Dezember 2021 | Tags: Podcasts, Lehr-Lern-Beziehung, Digitale Lehre, Student-teacher relationship, Vulnerability, Empathie
About Acknowledgements, Needs, and Vulnerability in Academia
One of my students showed me the humanity of the academic project with a simple page of acknowledgements.
15. Oktober 2021 | 1 Kommentar | Tags: Essays, Vulnerability, Academic writing
Podcast: Eine Ressource sein statt eine Hürde
In dieser – diesmal deutschsprachigen – Folge des Unconditional Teaching Podcast sprechen wir über kleine, aber wirkungsvolle Lehrpraktiken, die dazu beitragen, dass Studierende uns als Ressource und nicht als Hürde wahrnehmen.
7. Oktober 2021 | Tags: Podcasts, Teaching practices, Kollaborative Lehre, Vulnerability, Lehr-Lern-Beziehung
Podcast: The Empathetic Online Classroom
In this episode Tyll talks about a five-day block seminar that he taught in July 2020 entitled “Owning Your Position: Critical Argumentation Skills for Scholars of Culture” in which he and the students created a very supportive, empathetic classroom atmosphere.
11. Februar 2021 | 1 Kommentar | Tags: Podcasts, Teaching practices, Argumentation skills, Vulnerability, Student-teacher relationship, Social contract, Online teaching
Showing vulnerability
Acknowledging our vulnerability as teachers by addressing difficulties in class openly is a powerful strategy for connection and learning.
17. Februar 2020 | 4 Kommentare | Tags: Essays, Mindset, Vulnerability, Communication, Empathy, Conditional teaching
Speaking to students about self-care and mental health
Spending thirty minutes of one class session on honest talk about stress and suffering and coping and healing can have an enormous positive impact on our students’ lives.
28. Oktober 2019 | Tags: Essays, Mental health, Self-care, Vulnerability, Empathy, Powertools
On doing empathy
Why our usual thinking about empathy is flawed and how empathy as practice will improve our teaching. / Deutsche Version: Empathisch handeln (statt empathisch sein)
6. August 2019 | 1 Kommentar | Tags: Essays, Mindset, Empathy, Vulnerability, Privilege, Power